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Pharma 11 Twin-screw Extruder

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Huolto & Korjaukset Tarjouspyyntö

Perform material- and labor-effective extrusion with Thermo Scientific™ Pharma 11 Twin-screw Extruder, which requires only a small amount of active pharmaceutical ingredient, operating at throughput levels as low as 20g/h.

The parallel 11mm twin screws and compact design of the Pharma 11 Twin-screw Extruder is fully scalable with the Thermo Scientific stand-alone pharmaceutical compounding systems. Together, you can obtain process relevant results or even perform small scale production.

If you need a complete extrusion solution, a wide range of accessories are available for the Pharma 11 Twin-screw Extruder, including volumetric and gravimetric feeders, a conveyor belt and a pelletizer.


  • Uses smaller material quantities for faster, cost-effective development
  • Converts easily from hot melt extrusion (HME) to twin screw granulation (TSG) applications
  • Operates at throughput ranges from 20g/h up to 2.5kg/h
  • Processing length: L/D ratio 40:1
  • Screw elements and barrel design scale geometrically across the all Thermo Scientific Pharma Extruders and allow easy process scale-up
  • Easy-to-operate with user-friendly, intuitive touch screen with integrated feeder control
  • Maximize lab space with small footprint machine
  • Perfect for glove box or isolator applications with removable touch screen
  • All material contact parts are easily removable
  • Documentation of extrusion parameters and suitable for process analytical technology (PAT)
  • GMP-compliant, full validation available: FAT, SAT, IQ/OQ

Ota yhteyttä

Chris Bradburn


Tekniset tiedot

The Pharma 11 Twin-screw Extruder Video


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