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MiniJet Pro – Injection Molding System

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Huolto & Korjaukset Tarjouspyyntö

Eliminate worries of limited material quantities and produce various sample geometries using the Thermo Scientific™ HAAKE™ MiniJet Pro Piston Injection Molding System. You can now reduce costs by efficiently preparing specimens from as little as 2 to 5mL of material.

The HAAKE MiniJet Pro Piston Injection Molding System offers a complementary solution to product development investigations when coupled with the Thermo Scientific™ HAAKE™ compounders and rheometer systems.


Ota yhteyttä

Chris Bradburn


Tekniset tiedot

The HAAKE MiniJet Pro Piston Injection Molding System Features:

  • Small sample volume: Test specimens can be produced from various materials, including powders, pellets or melts
  • Simple loading of powders and pellets in system cylinder
  • Interchangeable molds: Specimen geometries offered from standard to unique, customized molds
  • Simple design for the exchange of molds with no tools required
  • Ease of use: A control and design concept that provides simplistic handling with consistent, reproducible results
  • Quick removal of heated cylinder for melt applications when connecting to the HAAKE MiniLab Micro Compounder or other extrusion systems

Recommended for: Sample preparation for rheometry, optical testing and mechanical testing, preparation of special specimen for pharmaceutical testing.

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