Smart ARK Multiple reflection ATR analysis
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Huolto & Korjaukset Tarjouspyyntö
The Thermo Scientific Smart ARK is a stable, rugged, high energy throughput HATR. The Smart ARK is the ideal choice for both research and analytical test laboratories. It is well suited for high level accurate quantitative and qualitative analyses because sample preparation is not necessary. The Smart ARK’s high performance is a result of high optical collection efficiency and unique patented crystal design. This crystal design allows the user to change crystal angles and materials without optical realignment.
The multi-reflection crystal design is extremely well-suited for analyzing lower concentration samples and where high sensitivity is necessary. It is good for samples that require consistent, precise analysis or when different pathlengths are required to analyze a sampling system.
Example Applications
• Liquids
• Solids
• Semi-solids
• Powders
• Quantitative and qualitative measurements