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Antaris™ II FT-NIR Analyzer

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Huolto & Korjaukset Tarjouspyyntö

Thermo Scientific™ Antaris™ II FT-NIR Analyzer sets an industry standard, providing laboratory-based FT-NIR performance in a ready-for-plant package.

Easily implement laboratory-based FT-NIR performance in a ready-for-plant package using the Thermo Scientific™ Antaris™ II FT-NIR Analyzer. With industry-leading method transfer performance, the Antaris II FT-NIR Analyzer provides robust and reliable data collection for at-line, online and in-line analysis. You can customize an Antaris II FT-NIR Analyzer for specific applications or choose the Antaris II MDS Method Development Sampling System, which includes transmission, fiber-optic and integrating sphere diffuse reflection analysis all in one turnkey system.

The Antaris II FT-NIR Analyzer Allows You To:

  • Analyze any sample type rapidly and accurately
  • Make regulatory compliance (DQ, IQ, OQ and PQ) easy with the Thermo Scientific™ ValPro™ Instrument Qualification Package
  • Reproduce results regardless of configuration, maintenance, user or environment
  • Achieve fast, precise and accurate measurements in the lab or in the plant

The Antaris II FT-NIR Analyzer is sold as a configured system designed to meet your specific needs.

Recommended for:

  • Solids
  • Powders
  • Grains
  • Tablets
  • Paste
  • Gel
  • Syrup
  • Films
  • Liquids

Ota yhteyttä

Jan Norberg

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