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Elemental Mapping Software

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Huolto & Korjaukset Tarjouspyyntö

The Elemental Mapping & Line Scan function is an option within the EID software package. Elemental mapping reveals the distribution of elements within the sample. Here the previously selected elements for the spot analysis can be mapped at a user-specified pixel resolution and acquisition time. The real-time mapping algorithm shows live build-up of the selected element maps while storing spectra of each pixel. This allows elements to be added or removed at any time during or after the mapping process.

Mapping can be done on the image as a whole, but there is an additional benefit included to save time by adding the Selected Area option. Line Scan allows analysis over a selected line.

The key lies in the possibility to select each of the following: number of points, dwell time per point and number of passes. On top of that, the results can be easily exported and reported via an automated template.

Key Specifications

  • Fast and reliable information on the distribution of elements within the sample or the selected line
  • Easily exported and reported results 

Ota yhteyttä

Ramin Lindqvist


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