DTA PT1600 – Differential Thermal Analysis
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Huolto & Korjaukset Tarjouspyyntö
The Differential Thermal Analysis is the most common thermal analysis method due to its wide range of information provided. The Linseis high temperature DTA PT 1600 is designed to deliver highest calorimetric sensitivity, short time constants and a condensation free sample chamber. These features guarantee superior resolution and baseline stability over the entire instrument lifetime. Thus providing a indispensable tool for material development, R&D and quality control.
All Linseis Differential Thermal Analyzers (DTA)comprise the advantages of latest technology, highest resolution and a robust easy to use instrument design.
The modular concept allows configuration of different furnace types for an extremely wide temperature range from -150 °C up to 2400 °C. Therefore many different sensors and types of crucibles for the DTA are available. The vacuum tight construction of this system allows the implementation of quantitative enthalpy and Cp determinations in a pure gas atmosphere or under vacuum of 10-5 mbar. Additionally, the system can always be coupled with a mass spectrometer or FTIR to obtain further information.
Ota yhteyttä
Chris Bradburn
- Myynti - Materiaalianalyysi
- Puhelin: +46 (0)18-56 68 09
- Matkapuhelin: +46 (0)70-396 18 88
- chris.bradburn@gammadata.se
Tekniset tiedot
Temperature range: | -150°C up to 500/700/1000°C |
RT – 1400/1500/1600/1650/1750/2000/2400°C | |
Sensors: | E/K/S/B/W |
Sensor Types: | DTA |
Heating rates: | 0.001 K/min … 50 K/min |
Cooling rates*: | 0.001 K/min … 50 K/min |
Sensor: | heat flux |
Temperature modulation: | Yes |
Atmospheres: | reducing, oxid., inert (static, dynamic) |
Vacuum: | 10-5mbar |
PC Interface: | USB |
*temperature dependent