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TFA – Thin film analyser

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Huolto & Korjaukset Tarjouspyyntö
Unique device for a comprehensive thin film characterization from the nm to the µm scale

Revolutionary physical properties thin film characterization system. Highly integrated and easy to use measurement platform.

Physical properties of thin films differ from bulk material, as parasitic surface effects are much stronger due to smaller dimensions and high aspect ratios!


Main System Characteristics
  • High quality, easy to use characterization system for thin films (nm to µm range).
  • Temperature dependent measurements (-170°C up to +280°C).
  • Easy sample preparation and handling.
  • Chip based measurement device with pre-structured chips as consumables.
  • High measurement flexibility (sample thickness, sample resistivity, deposition methods).
  • All measurements are taken from the same sample in one run.
  • It is possible to measure semiconductors as well as metals, ceramics or organics.


Measured parameters:

Thermal Conductivity (3 Omega)
Specific Heat

Optional: Electrical Conductivity / Resistivity
Seebeck Coefficient
Hall Constant / Mobility / Charge carrier conc.
Electromagnet up to 1 T or permanent magnet up to 0.5 T

Ota yhteyttä

Chris Bradburn


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