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BAI9103 – Iodine Monitor

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Huolto & Korjaukset Tarjouspyyntö
  • Iodine Monitor with 2 adjustable ROIs for simultanious monitoring of two iodine isotopes
  • 25/50 mm lead shielding
  • Active charcoal cartridge captures all forms of iodine
  • Background compensation and noble gas rejection (Kr/Ar)
  • Temperature drift stabilization.
  • The pump is very quiet


The BAI9103-2 is a mobile monitoring system to measure airborn iodine. It simultaniously measure two isotopes with 2 selectable ROIs, for example both I-131 and I-123. 

It data is presented in the datalogger LB5340 which features a 7” TFT touch screen display and trackball keyboard. It serves as data processing and evaluation unit with ABPD/AERD application program for parameter entry and visualisation of the measurement results.

Mobile cart
Tubing Polyurethane
Calibration source Ba-133 ativity 37 kBq in 2,25″ x 1″ cartridge
TEDA Charcoal TC-12 dia 2.25″x1″/per 10

Ota yhteyttä

Göran Jonsson


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