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Huolto & Korjaukset Tarjouspyyntö

The iCAM is a continuous air monitor measuring airborne alpha and beta particulate activity. It acts as a alarming monitor for operators, while measuring airborne activities in real time, with the sophistication required to provide low false alarm rates and high protection levels. iCAM can do dynamic radon/thoron alpha and beta background compensation. It can also provides static or dynamic compensation of beta measurements for gamma background.

It has high detection efficiency for both alpha and beta particles and provides good sensitivity for low energy beta detection down to 50 keV.

• Full-function area gamma alarm monitor capability using the optional G64 detector
• Optional Input/Output expansion
• Optional amber beacon for level 1 alarms

  • Fixed filter or Moving filter versions
  • Alpha MCA spectroscopy and separate beta discrimination
  • Excellent low energy beta performance
  • Auto-adaptive spectrometric compensation for Rn-222/220

Sources Am-241 (AMRB3518), Cl-36 (CIRB3029)
Bench stand or trolley/cart mountings
Wall mounting plate
Air inlet to pipe adaptor
Flow regulator valve
Nitto piston air pumps (low noise)
Rietschle rotary vane air pumps (high capacity, for high dust loading environments)
iConfig configuration software
Tablet configuration unit

Ota yhteyttä

Göran Jonsson


Tekniset tiedot

• Fixed filter (iCAM/DEN) and Moving filter (iCAM/MFEN) versions
• Acid resistant detector (iCAM/D)
• Mobile version (iCAM/M240)
• High flow rate version (iCAM/HD)


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