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Huolto & Korjaukset Tarjouspyyntö

The DRM-2 is a GM tube-based wide range Area Monitor with display. It has been designed specifically to be used as a fixed monitor in varying dose rate fields using two sensitive, auto switching GM tubes. The DRM’s detector features a linear response from 0,1 µSv/h to 10 Sv/h.

The DRM-2 is a wall mounted instrument, including alarm lights, that can be connected to the AC power with NiMH backup batteries. The radiation data is sent via 900 MHz FHSS or 2,4 GHz FHSS radios via the external antenna to a transceiver or via hardwire (RS-232 or RS-485) to a Remote Monitoring System. The DRM-2 can also be connected directly to a computer input.

Special version DRM-2D: CsI detector for greater sensitivity for Homeland Security & Medical monitoring applications.

  • Two energy compensated, auto-switching GM tubes
  • LED display, audible buzzer and visual indicator lamps
  • AC powered with NiMH battery backup (8 hrs)
  • Rugged, lightweight metal case
  • Measurement data sent wireless or via serial interface
  • Configuration and calibration software included


Ota yhteyttä

Göran Jonsson


Tekniset tiedot

Measuring Range: 0.1. µSv/hr to 10Sv/hr
Sensitivity GM-tubes: 0,03 cps/µSv/h  @ 662 keV (high dos rate detector)
Sensitivity CsI (30 x 30 mm): 6,8 cps/µSv/h @ 662 keV
Accuracy:±10 % of reading within measuring range
Units: µSv and µSv/h
Power Source: External AC Power backed up by two NiMH batteries
Temperature Range : Operation: -10 C to +50 C
Storage: -20 to +60 C
Humidity Range : 40% to 95% RH (non condensing)
Case: Blue anodized aluminum
Dimensions: 93 x 148 x 56 mm  (W x L x H)
Weight: 680 gram
Radio Frequencies: 900 MHz FHSS or 2.4 GHz FHSS

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