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RDS-32iTx telemetry

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Huolto & Korjaukset Tarjouspyyntö

RDS-32iTx is a survey meter and wireless ready, utilizing the WRM² communication protocol. Several different probes can be connected to measures alpha, beta and gamma even in very high dose rates. The probes are smart means the RDS-32iTx will detect the connected probe automatically without having to switch off the instrument before connecting the probe.

Configure the RDS-32iTx via CSW-32 software uning an USB cable.


Ota yhteyttä

Göran Jonsson


Tekniset tiedot

Internal detector: energy-compensated GM tube,
Measured unit internal detector: µSv/h (H*(10))
Energy range internal detector: 48 keV – 3 MeV
Dose rate measurement range: 0,01 μSv/h – 100 mSv/h
Dose measurement range: 0,01 μSv – 10 Sv
Calibration accuracy: ± 5%, Cs-137
Dose rate linearity: ± 15%
Protection class: IP67
Weight and dimension: 100 x 67 x 33 mm. 220 g
Battery life: 2 x AA. Typically > 2000 h
Wireless: 900 MHz or 2,4 GHz (WRM²)

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