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Identifinder R200-G

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Huolto & Korjaukset Tarjouspyyntö

Sale of a demo instrument Identifinder R200.

Identifinder R200 is our most compact spectroscopic instrument with nuclide identification. The instrument contains a CsI crystal with a photodiode SiPM. The well-known interface is the same as all instruments in the Identifinder series.

Price 15300 SEK


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Stefan Mårtensson


Tekniset tiedot

Measure: Gamma H*(10)
Detector: 2 energy compensated GM tubes
Energy range: 50 keV – 3 MeV  up to 10 mSv/h, and 80 keV – 3 MeV from 10 mSv/h – 10 Sv/h
Calibration accuracy: 5% (@662 keV)
Energy response: -20% … +30% (80 keV – 1.25 MeV)
Temperature range: Operation: -40 to 55°C
Ingress Protection: IP 67
Dimensions: Ø45 + 185 mm
Weight: 400 g

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