OSL Eye Lens Dosemeter Hp(3)
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Huolto & Korjaukset Tarjouspyyntö
The dosemeter badge is approved by several Radiation Safety Authority, such as PTB and SSM. It measure the dose to the eye’s lens according to Hp(3). The dosemeter is worn in a headband and can be adjusted to best represent the position of the eye in relation to the dose field. Connection to person is made through the ID code (6 digits) on the dosemeter housing or the QR code.
- Measure Hp(3) eye lens dose monitoring
- Accredited in Sweden for category A workers
- One BeOSL element
- Individual calibration
- Including Gammadata report doses to national dose registry
AWST-0010 ALD adapter with adhesive
AWST-0020 ALD adapter tool
AWST-0030 Head band
AWST-0040 ALD head band adapter, blue
Ota yhteyttä
Stefan Mårtensson
- Myynti - Säteilymittaus
- Puhelin: +46 (0)18-566803
- Matkapuhelin: +46 (0)76-8265837
- stefan.martensson@gammadata.se
Tekniset tiedot
Detect: Photon radiation, Hp(3)
Detection principle: 1 pcs OSL pellet
Dose range: 0,1 mSv – 10 Sv
Photon range: 16 keV – 7 MeV
Weight: 0,4g, or 8 gram (incl head band)
Beta sensitivity: Yes, wear behind glasses if beta particles are present. Sr-90 sensitivity 2,53
Neutron sensitivity: No
Size: 17 x 14,5 x 3,5 mm
Monitoring period: Max 3 months
Liittyvät tuotteet
EYE-D - Eye TL Dosimeter Hp(3)
EYE-D offer Hp(3) measurements to eye lens TLD