DIS-1H3 – Direct Ion Storage Dosimeter For Hp(10) and Hp(3)
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Huolto & Korjaukset Tarjouspyyntö
- DIS-1H3 dosimeter for direct measurement of Hp(10) and eye lens Hp(3)
- Wide energy range
- instant and extremely easy readout
- passive operation
- not sensitive to EM and RF interference
- operation at high dose rates
- operation at pulsed fields
The radiological range of the DIS-1H3 covers the entire Hp(10) and Hp(3) photon and beta energies without any compromises. The wide dose and energy range, the ability to operate in pulsed fields and the performance at high dose rates make DIS-1H3 an ideal device for all kinds of radiation dosimetry applications. The DIS-1H3 allows for the detection of heavy, high-energy ions and its immunity to any external interference is unequalled. There are no deviations in the dose readings even at very high EM or RF fields.
Ota yhteyttä
Stefan Mårtensson
- Tuotepäällikkö
- Puhelin: +46 (0)18-56 68 03
- Matkapuhelin: +46 (0)76-826 58 37
- stefan.martensson@gammadata.se
Tekniset tiedot
Detector type: three TMDIS (Direct Ion Storage) detectors and two MOSFET detectors
Detect: sensitive to gamma, X-ray and beta radiation
insensitive to neutrons (<5 %)
instant readout of ICRU dose equivalents:
– Hp(10) 1 µSv to 40 Sv
– Hp(0.07) 10 µSv to 40 Sv
Calibration accuracy:
±5 % at 1 mSv (662 keV) Hp(10)
±10 % at 10 mSv (662 keV) Hp(0.07)
Energy response:
up to 1 Sv photons
– Hp(10) ±30 % from 15 keV to 9 MeV 2)
– Hp(0.07) ±30 % from 6 keV (to 9 MeV)
– Hp(0.07) -20…+35% from 0.24 MeV to 0.80 MeV (Emean)
Angular response for photons:
– Hp(10) ±20 % up to 60° at 65 keV
– Hp(0.07) ±20 % up to 60° at 65 keV
Recording of offcial Hp(3) dose
– calibration date
– dose reset dates
– user identification
– Dosimeter 41 x 44 x 12 mm,
– with holder 47 x 49 x 13 mm
Weight: 25 g, with holder 43 g
Beta window: aluminized PI (app. 7 mg/cm2)
Holder: anodized aluminium
Temperature range from – 10°C to +50 °C (
Enclosure class: IP 67
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