PED+ – Electronic Dosimeter/Dose Rate Instrument
Tarvitsetko apua?
Autamme sinua löytämään oikean ratkaisun. Tarjoamme tukea, huoltoa, kalibrointia ja koulutusta kaikista tuotteistamme. Ota yhteyttä palvelusopimusta varten!
Huolto & Korjaukset Tarjouspyyntö
PED+ is a dual use personal dosimeter which could be used as a handheld dose rate meter as well. It is robust and waterproof. Based on GM-tube and much more sensitive then the PIN-diod based dosimeters. Adjustable alarm levels. Software for configuration and historical events, DoseVision, is included. Selected through the menu that allows the device to be used as a handheld survey meter. It shows readings in dose rate and displays a live trend graph to give a real-time visual depiction of measured activity. Measurement is corrected for use off-body. The personal accumulated dose is therefore not recorded. Dose rate data is logged during off body mode to allow data review using DoseVision.
These are the extra features compared to PED Blue,
- Bluetooth connection to be used with DoseVision for Android
- Built in GPS for location associate with radiological data
- Wireless charging
- Pop-up alarms individually adjustable
Two versions available of PED plus;
PED+ (up to 100 mSv/h)
PED-ER+ (up to 1 Sv/h)
Ota yhteyttä
Stefan Mårtensson
- Myynti - Säteilymittaus
- Puhelin: +46 (0)18-566803
- Matkapuhelin: +46 (0)76-8265837

Tekniset tiedot
Measure: Gammas from 33 keV to 3 MeV (48 keV to 3 MeV for ER)
Units: Hp(10) and H*(10) in µSv/h
Detector: Energy compensated Geiger Müller tube
Measuring range: 0 to 100 mSv/h, (0 – 1 Sv/h PED-ER+)
Operating temperature: -20 to 50°C
Humidity: Up to 95%
Protection class: IP67
Battery: Rechargeable Li-ion. Typically 300 hours operational time
Charging: 5V micro USB connection.
Case material: Shock, vibration and drop resistant polymers with antistatic surface properties
Memory: 125,000 data point
Size: 104mm x 64mm x 24mm
Weight: 190g
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