Gamma stream
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Huolto & Korjaukset Tarjouspyyntö
Gamma stream is a compact and portable system for gamma ray spectroscopy. The embedded positive high voltage power supply, charge sensitive preamplifier and a digital MCA, make easy the measurements with scintillation detectors, such as NaI(Tl), CsI(Na), and LaBr3(Ce), with no need of additional cables. The Gamma stream socket and voltage divider can supply standard 14-pin 10-stage PMTs.
The flexibility of both data logging and communication interfaces makes it suitable for most survey situations. Gamma stream is designed to work stand-alone with an internal rechargeable Li-Ion battery, and to log data to an internal storage memory, thus preventing from data losses and allowing for unattended measurements. In addition to the wired (USB and Ethernet) connection links, the Bluetooth wireless control is useful especially for outdoor applications. A front panel cover is also available to protect the device from water and dust.
Gamma stream can also be integrated in more complex systems thanks to auxiliary I/O connectors. The user can synchronize the acquisition, use the external trigger, and set coincidence/anti-coincidence and veto operating modes.
Gamma stream is suited for a variety of environments thanks also to the software suites GammaTOUCH and MC2Analyzer, both provided with user-friendly GUIs. GammaTOUCH can run on smartphones or tablets with Android OS, providing an immediate and easy data acquisition control. This software can integrate the location and time of the mobile device GPS and the time-stamped histogram. On the other side,MC2Analyzer can be run on Window OS PC, providing the user with advanced histogram analysis tools.
Ota yhteyttä
Stefan Isaksson
- Myynti - Säteilymittaus
- Puhelin: +46 (0)18-566807
- Matkapuhelin: +46 (0)70-5926356

Tekniset tiedot
Mechanical |
71.2 W x 66.4 H x 163.8 L mm³ (including connectors) Weight
700 g |
Detector & PMT |
Scintillation detectors
14-pin 10-stage PMTs
Digital Signal Processing |
12-bit and 62.5 MHz ADC
Software selectable coarse gain: x1, x2, x4, x8
Software selectable DC offset adjustment in the full scale range
Trapezoidal filter for the energy calculation with software adjustable rise time in the range 0÷16 µs and flat top in the range 0÷16 µs
Trigger threshold software adjustment
Software fine tuning of the Pole-Zero cancellation
Digital fine gain
Automatic gain stabilization
Pile-up rejection and Live Time correction
Baseline restorer with programmable averaging
Time stamp: 48 bit, 16 ns
High frequency noise filter
Data Storage | Internal SSD memory can guarantee data logging for the whole battery autonomy |
High Voltage Power Supply |
Output Bias Voltage: 0 ÷ +1600 V
Output Bias Current: 500 µA max.
Output ripple (full load): Typical < 5 mVpp; Maximum < 10 mVpp
Setting resolution: 16 bit
Operating Modes |
PHA (Pulse Height Analysis): pulse height histogram over 1k-2k-4k channels
List mode: pulse height and time stamp for each event
Signal Inspector: input and internal filters waveforms
Trigger Modes |
Stand-alone: triggering based on the channel self-trigger
Correlated: coincidence/anticoincidence or veto with other GammaStream and/or an external trigger
External: triggering based on an external trigger
Front Panel Digital I/O |
General Purpose Output: LVTTL (3.3V), Rt = 50 Ohm IN1 & IN2 (LEMO)
General Purpose Input: LVTTL (3.3V), Zin = 50 Ohm Options: Coincidence/Anti-coincidence, Veto, Synchronization, Start/Stop Acquisition |
Indicators | Status and battery LEDs |
Communication Interface |
10/100 Mbit interface Bluetooth
USB host port (USB2.0) compliant to BT dongle USB (client)
MiniUSB connector |
Firmware | Firmware can be upgraded via USB/Ethernet |
Software |
Fully controlled by the MC² Analyzer spectroscopy software for Windows PC
GammaTOUCH mobile application for smartphones or tablets equipped with Android OS