GR1-A – Gamma spectrometer with in/output
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Huolto & Korjaukset Tarjouspyyntö
- Compact and simple to use
- CZT solid state detector
- USB Powered
- MCX connectors with Analogue energy output, Timing output, MCA gate input
The GR1-A (Advanced) is a USB-powered gamma spectrometer with a 1 cm³ CZT detector and electronics. It has additional auxiliary input/outputs that greatly increase operational flexibility. The GR1-A is fitted with a mini USB connector and three MCX connectors that provide energy and timing outputs and gate inputs. It also comes with MultiSpect Analysis software. This application allows connection of multiple GR1-As to a PC, with the ability to display multiple spectra; both live and saved, from previous measurements. It also has the capability to match spectra to a pre-loaded library of over 400 nuclide spectra. (GR-1A)
MultiSpect Analysis software provides the spectrum acquisition, display and storage functions, and the export of data for further analysis. Note: One license per PC.
Energy Output: shaped and buffered detector output pulses with amplitude proportional to energy suitable as input to an external multichannel analyser (MCA)
Timing Output: A logic pulse triggered by each detected event and coincident with each output pulse
Gate Input: used to suppress pulse height output via the USB interface to K-Spect for anticoincidence. Energy and timing outputs are unaffected.
Available as;
GR1-A, with resolution < 2.5%
GR1-A+, with resolution < 2%
Ota yhteyttä
Stefan Isaksson
- Myynti - Säteilymittaus
- Puhelin: +46 (0)18-566807
- Matkapuhelin: +46 (0)70-5926356

Tekniset tiedot
Detector: 10 x 10 x 10 mm CZT detector
Energy range: 30 – 3000 keV
Energy resolution: < 2 – 2.5% FWHM @ 662 keV
Electronic noise: <10 keV
Maximum throughput (USB): 30 kcps
Number of channels: 4096 (12 bit)
Differential non-linearity: < ± 1%
Power consumption: 250 mW
Dimensions: 25 x 25 x 63 mm
Weight: 60 gram
Temperature range: 0 – 50°C
Energy Output
Rise time: 3 µs
Decay time: 10 µs
Output impedance: < 150 Ω
Maximum throughput (analogue): 50000 cps
Timing Output
Shape: TTL compatible rectangular pulse
Amplitude: 5.0 V
Duration: 8 µs
Output impedance: < 150 Ω
Timing Resolution: < 100 ns
Gate Input
Threshold: 3 V
Maximum input voltage: 5 V
Input impedance: 10 kΩ
Timing: Input must be above threshold from at least 0.5µs before the energy signal maximum to at least 2µs after it