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Ultra-LEGe Detectors (GUL)

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Huolto & Korjaukset Tarjouspyyntö
Features & Benefits
  • Spectroscopy from 300 eV to 300 keV
  • High efficiency compared to Si(Li) and SDD
  • Excellent resolution up to very high count rates
  • High peak/background ratio

The Mirion Ultra-LEGe detector extends the performance range of Ge detectors down to a few hundred electron volts, providing resolution and peak-to-background ratios once thought to be unattainable with semiconductor detectors. The Ultra-LEGe retains the high-energy efficiency intrinsic to germanium detectors because of the high atomic number (Z), combined with a relatively high thickness (5-10 mm), and thus covers an extremely wide range of energies. The graph in Figure 2 below compares the efficiency on the high-energy side of the X-ray spectrum of a 5 mm thick germanium detector to typical silicon based detectors.

Conventional Ge detectors, including those made especially for low energies, suffer from poor peak shape and efficiency below 3 keV. This characteristic, once thought to be fundamental to Ge, prohibited use of Ge detectors in most analytical x-ray applications. Mirion has developed detector fabrication techniques which have eliminated these problems. The resulting detector, the Ultra-LEGe unit, delivers the intrinsic efficiency and resolution advantages of germanium without the disadvantages of the conventional germanium detector.

Ota yhteyttä

Stefan Isaksson


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