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Huolto & Korjaukset Tarjouspyyntö

The SPIR-Pack is a backpack device which provides discrete search and identification of radiological and nuclear materials. It is also a powerful tool for mapping of contaminated areas that may be difficult to access by vehicle. The SPIR-Pack is based on the “detection by identification” concept, which limits alarms to cases of real threats only while filtering out any false alarms generated by background variation or anomalies such as medical isotopes. It is a high performing system for heavily shielded and complex masking scenarios seen in radiological security endeavors.



Ota yhteyttä

Stefan Mårtensson


Tekniset tiedot

Detectors: NaI (Tl): 3” x 3”, Geiger Muller for high dose rate
Energy range : 25 keV to 3 MeV (gamma)
Sensitivity : 4 cps per nSv/h for Cs-137
Dose rate range: 1 nSv/h – 100 mSv/h
Identification: 1024 channels, throughput > 100 000 cps
Calibration & Stabilization: Continuous stabilization and acquisition of spectra, no field calibration needed
Display: Rugged Tablet with a sun readable 7” screen
GPS: Imbedded
Connectors: USB plug
Battery Life: Autonomy up to 14 hours
– Smartphone : visual, audible and vibration alarms with release
– Bluetooth headset : audible message
– Danger alarm
Communication: Bluetooth, WiFi, cellular communications. Data export. Remote control
Dimensions : 450 x 330 x 250 mm
Weight: 4,6 kg (G) 10,1 kg (GN)
Temperature range : storage : -30°C to +60°C. Tablet PC into the backpack : -20° C to +40°C. Tablet PC out of the backpack : –20°C to +50°C
Protection Class: IP54 protection
Identification Library: Appr 90 radionuclides. Up to 8 mixed radionuclides
Radionuclide library : Selectable by application
Radionuclide mapping: SpirVIEW

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