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LB 6411 – Neutron Probe H*(10)

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Huolto & Korjaukset Tarjouspyyntö

LB 6411 is a neutron detector for H*(10) measurements from neutrons. It’s a He-3 proportional counter with high sensitivity of 3 counts per nSv. The instrument can be used both as portable instrument or as a stationary monitor with LB 115.  The geometrical arrangement of the detector, the moderator and the internal absorbers provides high sensitivity of approximately 3 counts per nSv together with an excellent energy dependent response of ±30% between 50 keV and 10 MeV.

It’s calibrated to Cf-252 but the response function over the whole energy range from thermal energies up to 20 MeV was calculated with MCNP Monte-Carlo calculations.

Two versions available with different fill pressure, LB 6411 and LB 6411-1.

  • Optional version – less He-3 pressure to reduce cost
  • Optional version – enclosured by 10 mm lead for spallation of neutrons with several hundres of MeV


Ota yhteyttä

Stefan Mårtensson


Tekniset tiedot

Measuring range: 0,03 µSv/h to 100 mSv/h (same for LB 6411-1)
Neutron energy range: thermal to 20 MeV
Energy dependency: ± 30% between 50 keV and 10 MeV
γ-sensitivity: < 40 µSv/h in 10 mSv/h, Cs-137 gamma-field
Background: < 0.02 cps
Response for Cf-252: 2,85 counts/nSv (2.04 counts/nSv for LB6411-1 with less counting gas pressure).
Calibration factor: 1,27 µSv/h per cps (1.78 µSv/h for the LB 6411-1 with less counting gas pressure)
Counting gas: Helium-3 / Methane
External diameter: 250 mm
Moderator material: Polyethylene with 2% carbon
Weight: 9,2 kg
Temperature range: -10 °C to +50°C

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