LB 124 Scint-300
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Huolto & Korjaukset Tarjouspyyntö
The contamination monitor LB 124 Scint-300 is a flexible instrument for practical radiation protection of alpha, beta and gamma. The detector is based on ZnS scintillation technology and has a big sensitive area of 345 cm² and uniform response. Use the LB 124 Scint-300 wherever contamination caused by radioactive substances is encountered or has to be monitored. Perfekt to measure radioactive alpha and beta/gamma contaminations on surfaces like floors, walls, desks, objects, clothing or skin.
Measurement modes ’Ratemeter’, ’Scaler-Timer’, ’Survey’, ’Clearance’ and ’Halflife’.
- Simultaneous and separeate measurement of alpha and beta/gamma
- High sensitivity and uniform response
- No gas, less maintanence
- Wide temperature range
- Calibrations factors for more than 50 nuclides
- Adjustable alarm levels
Ota yhteyttä
Stefan Mårtensson
- Tuotepäällikkö
- Puhelin: +46 (0)18-56 68 03
- Matkapuhelin: +46 (0)76-826 58 37
Tekniset tiedot
Radiation detected: Alpha, Beta, Gamma
Detector ZnS:Ag scintillator
Measurement modes: ratemeter, scaler-timer, search, clearance and halflife
Dimensions detector: 150 mm × 230 mm
Sensitive area: 345 cm²
Entrance window: 6 µm metallized plastics
Thickness: 0.4 mg/cm²
Protective mesh: 80 % Transmission
Alarm: Acoustic with adjustable alarm thresholds
Data memory: 1000 measured values with date & time
Communication: Serial port RS232
External dimensions: 178 × 260 × 150 mm (width × lenght x height)
Weight: 1750 g (with batteries)
Power supply 3 × C size batteries. Alkaline/Ni-MH rechargeable
Battery life: 50 h
Temperature range: -20 °C to +40 °C (operation), -40 °C to +60 °C (storage)
Relative humidity: 0 % to 80 % (without condensation)
Protection class: IP 53
Efficiency (related to the activity of a source with an area of 100 cm2)
C-14 = 12 % (βγ-channel)
Cl-36 = 44 % (βγ-channel)
Co-60 = 29 % (βγ-channel)
Cs-137 = 44 % (βγ-channel)
Pu-239 = 18 % (α-channel)
Am-241 = 22 % (α-channel)
Typical background: α = 0.1 cps, βγ = 15 cps
Gamma sensitivity: α-channel = no, βγ = @ 1 µSv/h (Cs-137) < 100 cps
Spill over: < 20 % (α to βγ-channel with Po-210)
< 2 × 10E-5 (βγ to α-channel with Sr-90)
Measuring range: 0 to 5.000 cps (α-channel),
0 to 50.000 cps (βγ-channel)
Surface response: ± 20 %
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