RDS-MED Dose rate instrument
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Autamme sinua löytämään oikean ratkaisun. Tarjoamme tukea, huoltoa, kalibrointia ja koulutusta kaikista tuotteistamme. Ota yhteyttä palvelusopimusta varten!
Huolto & Korjaukset Tarjouspyyntö
RDS-Med is a survey meter designed for medical applications such as radioisotope production, radiopharmacies, nuclear medicine, diagnostic imaging, hot labs, and waste disposal.
The RDS-Med meter can detect a wide range of ionizing radiation, including gamma and X-rays, with the ability to connect to external alpha, beta, and neutron probes. Mirion GMP-12/GMP-25 probes and the full CSP probe range can be connected with an adequate cable.
With both warning and alarm levels, users can know quickly if contamination or dose rates exceed screening levels for decontamination or patient monitoring
Accessories: Alarm box for area monitoring applications
Ota yhteyttä
Stefan Mårtensson
- Myynti - Säteilymittaus
- Puhelin: +46 (0)18-566803
- Matkapuhelin: +46 (0)76-8265837
- stefan.martensson@gammadata.se

Tekniset tiedot
Detect: Gamma H*(10)
Detector: Geiger-Müller
Energy range: 48 keV – 1,8MeV
Measurement range: 0,3 µSv/h – 100 mSv/h
Probe compatibility: CSP-series and GMP-series
Ingress protection: IP67
Batteries: AA
Battery life: 2000 h
Standards: IEC 60846-1
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