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Huolto & Korjaukset Tarjouspyyntö

T402 dose rate meter calibrated in H*(10) and based on Geiger Muller tube. Very rugged design and easy to use. It has the ability to measure peak values, means you can measure high doses remotely.


Ota yhteyttä

Stefan Mårtensson


Tekniset tiedot

Detector: Geiger-Müller tube calibrated to H*(10)
Energy range 60 keV – 1,25 MeV
Measuring range: Dose rate 0 – 1 mSv/h (100 mSv/h ER-model)
Accumulated dose: 0 – 10 mSv
Life time: 100 h
Battery type: Standard 9V battery
Protection class: IP65
Weight: 500 g

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