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Huolto & Korjaukset Tarjouspyyntö

SIGMA25 and SIGMA 50 are integrated scintillator detectors with SiPM. These gamma-ray detectors offer up to 32.8 cm³ of detection volume, delivered in a package providing significant benefits in cost, size, weight, power consumption and temperature stability. Kromek’s SIGMA™ product range interfaces directly with the existing MultiSpect Analysis platform providing all the analysis benefits currently enjoyed by users of Kromek’s CZT detector product.

As with the CZT technology, Kromek’s SIGMA probes will be available for the RayMon platform allowing the user to seamlessly switch between detection needs for both search and detailed analysis.

Other products exploiting the SIGMA technology platform in quantitative analysis for food and decommissioning assay will follow.

Ota yhteyttä

Stefan Isaksson


Tekniset tiedot

SIGMA50 1” x 1” x 2” CsI(Tl) Detector
SIGMA25 1” x 1” x 1” CsI(Tl) Detector
Energy Range: 50 keV – 1.5 MeV
Maximum throughput: 5000 cps
Energy resolution: < 7.2 % FWHM @ 662 keV
MCA: 4096 (12 bit)
Power consumption: 250 mW
Dimensions: 34.5 mm x 34.5 mm x 130 mm
Weight: 300g
Operational temperature range: -10 to 40°C

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