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HIDEX 300 SL Automatic TDCR Liquid Scintillation Counter

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Huolto & Korjaukset Tarjouspyyntö

The Hidex 300 SL Liquid Scintillation Counter is the most advanced transportable and user-friendly LSC available. The 300 SL liquid scintillation counter employs Triple to Double Coincidence Ratio (TDCR) counting. This absolute activity measuring technology relies on the use of three highly sensitive PMT’s and enables easy determination of sample counting efficiency, providing instant DPM results without the need for any internal or external standards.

The 300 SL liquid scintillation counter uses sample trays holding either standard 20 mL LSC vials or mini-vials (7mL). The trays can be used in sample preparation instruments such as liquid handling stations or cell harvesters.

The 300 SL liquid scintillation counter beta counter is completely controlled from an external PC with an easy-to-use, yet sophisticated software program which offers an unlimited number of pre-stored isotopes and protocols and automatic data export to Excel or other programs. The software has options for 21 CFR Part 11 compliance and extensive data reduction features such as quench curve analysis, IC/EC 50 value calculations etc.

Watch a presentation of 300 SL on youtube

Read more about Liquid Scintilation Measureing Procedures here

– 425-2001 Temperature control. Cools down a stabilize the instrument 5 deg C below ambient
– 525-003 Alpha-Beta separation. Resolution 300 keV at 5 MeV using frosted or teflon vials
– 425-019 External standard method using Eu-152 standard source

Ota yhteyttä

Stefan Isaksson


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Please see the tab datasheet for technical specification

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