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Oxidizer 600 OX Radiocarbon

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Huolto & Korjaukset Tarjouspyyntö

Oxidizer 600 OX Radiocarbon is a complete liquid scintillation cocktail for trapping and counting radioactive carbon dioxide. This cocktail is designed for the Hidex 600 OX Oxidizer. The cocktail contains a carbon dioxide absorber that effectively traps CO2 into the cocktail. The cocktail contains also scintillator and, therefore, the combusted sample in the cocktail is instantly ready for the LSC measurement.

• NPE free
• 1 ml of cocktail absorbs 2.8 mmol of carbon dioxide
• High counting efficiency and low background
• Effective carbon dioxide absorption by 3-methoxypropylamine
• Contains scintillator for instant C-14 measurement
• Disposal by incineration only

Ota yhteyttä

Stefan Isaksson


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