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RoboCount 2020

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Huolto & Korjaukset Tarjouspyyntö

RoboCount 2020 is a robotic system for non-destructive analysis of radioactive waste. The system can handle waste packages of various sizes and shapes, including 100 L, 200 L and 400 L drums, as well as larger containers and pallets. It uses high-resolution germanium detectors and can perform both traditional segmented scanning (SGS) and integral gamma scanning (IGS) for homogeneous waste packages. A unique rotating waste package module increases flexibility and enables measurements with different geometries. The system is robust and low maintenance, with a design based on an industrial robot platform. It can also be customized with various options such as barcode scanners and dosimeters, making it very versatile for different waste analysis needs.


Ota yhteyttä

Göran Jonsson


Tekniset tiedot

Robot: COMAU Smart 5 NJ 220 2.7 Safe
Waste package weight up to 2500 kg
Waste package diameter up to 1500 mm
Detector positioning around 6 axes
Liquid nitrogen HPGe detector cooling, automatic refill from 50-200 L supply Dewar
Set of custom collimators, robotic change
Waste package rotation speed range 1 – 10 rpm with soft start/stop
Integrated waste package scale, precision + 1.0 kg
Weights (nominal)
-Robot 2500 kg
-Rotator module 475 kg
– Control cabinet 305 kg
Dimensions of work area 5500 x 5500 x 3200 mm (L x W x H)
Power requirements 3L+N+PEAC 400 V, 50 Hz, 18 A, 12/30 kVA
Environmental conditions 0 – 50 °C, max. 80% rel. humidity

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