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Gas Chromatography

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Autamme sinua löytämään oikean ratkaisun. Tarjoamme tukea, huoltoa, kalibrointia ja koulutusta kaikista tuotteistamme. Ota yhteyttä palvelusopimusta varten!


Huolto & Korjaukset Tarjouspyyntö

Specialized gas chromatography solutions tailored for radiopharmaceutics developed with Shimadzu and Agilent. The systems are customizable to meet various needs, making them ideal for applications like residual solvents control in SPECT and PET laboratories. Since these samples often contain radioactivity, our methods are optimized to enhance efficiency, minimize sample quantities, and improve radioprotection.

Every component—such as the column oven, flow controller, and sample injection unit—is meticulously designed to ensure exceptional precision and performance.


Ota yhteyttä

Stefan Mårtensson


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