TLC Scanner
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Huolto & Korjaukset Tarjouspyyntö
The Capintec CAP-TLC Scanner is an automated quality assurance tool to rapidly and accurately perform strip QC for any SPECT radiopharmaceutical kit. Dual detector design assures a wide activity range for kits reconstituted any time of the day. The scanner has an optional feeder attachment which holds up to 30 samples. Short scan times assure rapid processing.
The system is compatible with most nuclear pharmacy management systems. Report includes activity distribution graph and Pass/Fail results based on user defined acceptance limits. Automated transfer of data eliminates manual record keeping.
5250-0213 Auto Feeder
5250-0214 Cartridges (set of 10)
5250-0215 Bar code scanner
5250-2110 Collection tray
0975-0137 Co-57 100 μCi QC source
Software features:
- Windows 10 based application software
- Multiple password security levels
- Manual or bar code assisted job creation
- Daily QC test module
- User definable scan protocols
- Define scan by total counts or time
- Automatically rescans to achieve total counts
- User definable Pass/Fail limits
- Failed results printed in RED
- Includes one strip and two strip protocols
- Supports two or three user defined cut points
- Automatic background subtract
- Excel Report format for easy export
- PC Communication Protocol
- Compatible with most printers
Ota yhteyttä
Stefan Mårtensson
- Myynti - Säteilymittaus
- Puhelin: +46 (0)18-566803
- Matkapuhelin: +46 (0)76-8265837

Tekniset tiedot
Console Dimension: 168 x 206 x 245 mm (H x W x L) Weight: 9,8 kg
Feeder Dimension: 251 x 130 x 308 mm, Weight 4,1 kg
Temp: 0 to 60 °C, 0 to 90% humidity, non-condensing
Power supply: 230V and 50 W
- Bar Code Reader
- Multi Cartridge Feeder
- Collection Tray