Tabletop L-Block Shield
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Huolto & Korjaukset Tarjouspyyntö
Compact L-bench in stainless steel that is easy to clean. Available in lead thickness from 12.5 mm up to 50 mm. No sharp edges, no risk of cuts.
Ota yhteyttä
Stefan Mårtensson
- Myynti - Säteilymittaus
- Puhelin: +46 (0)18-566803
- Matkapuhelin: +46 (0)76-8265837
Tekniset tiedot
Surface layer: Stainless steel
Radiation protection: Lead, thickness 12.5/20/30/50 mm
Window: Lead glass 20 mm 342 x 293 x 55 mm, ρ = 4,7 g/cm³
External dimensions and weight:
– 12.5 mm = 422 x 505 x 580. Weight 85 kg
– 20 mm = 422 x 505 x 580. Weight 135 kg
– 30 mm = 426 x 516 x 605. Weight 192 kg
– 50 mm = 425 x 465 x 585. Weight 240 kg
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