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Mobile PET Shield

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Huolto & Korjaukset Tarjouspyyntö
  • 60 mm) thick lead bricks encased in steel
  • 10 cm thick lead glass view port
  • 99% attenuation of 511 keV photons
  • Height adjustment range of 14 cm
  • Two 360° locking swivel casters

The Capintec PET Mobile Shield provides excellent protection from the high-energy 511keV photons of PET isotopes. The shield is a cost-effective and versatile way of ensuring adequate radiation protection in a PET facility.

The mobile shield can be easily rolled into position for injecting, dispensing or handling PET isotopes. Once it is no longer needed it can be conveniently stored out of the way. The mobility of the shield will save on the cost of constructing high-energy work areas in the nuclear medicine department.

The PET Mobile Shield is the perfect compliment to Capintec’s extensive line of 511keV measurement and shielding products.

Ota yhteyttä

Stefan Mårtensson


Tekniset tiedot

Viewing Port: 20 x 20 x 10 cm thick leaded glass; 5.2 g/cm density
Body Shield: 6 cm thick interlocking chevron lead bricks; Attenuates >99% at 511 keV
Completely encased in a painted steel cover;  62 x 42 cm (H x W)
Base Support: 8” Hydraulic height adjustment;
Footprint: 61 x 71 cm; Two 360° degree locking swivel casters
Maximum Height: 160 cm (including window);
Weight: 227 kg

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