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Lead Blankets 80 x 40 cm

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Huolto & Korjaukset Tarjouspyyntö

Lead blankets 80 x 40 cm with 6 mm lead equivalent attenuation and minimized gaps by continuously layered lead wool rope. Typcally used in NDT and nuclear industry. Handles for improved handling. A stand for hanging is available as an accessory.

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Stefan Mårtensson


Tekniset tiedot

Effective area: 800 x 400 mm
External dimensions: 950 x 550 mm
Fire class: M2
External covering: PVC laminated reinforced with nylon fibre
Grommets strength: 120 Kg (12 units per blanket)
Attenuation: 6 mm lead equivalent, 35% minimum on Co-60
Weight: 24kg

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