Raman systems
Raman-spektroskopia on tuhoamaton kemiallinen analyysitekniikka, joka mahdollistaa kemiallisen, rakenteellisen ja alkuainetunnistuksen ja -tarkastuksen sekä seulonnan.
Olemme ylpeitä voidessamme tarjota laajimman valikoiman Thermo Scientific Raman -instrumentteja sovelluksiin huippuluokan/korkean kysynnän tutkimuksesta rutiininomaisiin QC-laboratorioanalyysi- ja tuotantoympäristöihin.
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DXR3xi Raman Imaging Microscope
The Thermo Scientific™ DXR™3xi Raman Imaging Microscope now reveals research grade imaging faster than ever. With enhanced software features and...
DXR3 Raman Microscope
Access Raman data faster than ever with this easy-to-use point-and-shoot Raman Microscope. Advanced imaging capabilities make the new Thermo...
DXR3 SmartRaman Spectrometer
The Thermo Scientific™ DXR™3 SmartRaman spectrometer is a highly automated, push-button operated, dedicated macro-sampling Raman system that...
DXR3 Flex Raman spectrometer
The Thermo Scientific DXR3 Flex Raman Spectrometer is a research-grade benchtop Raman spectrometer specifically designed for integration with other...