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GHz Wideband Amplifiers

High Speed GHz Current/voltage Amplifier

The series HSA High-Speed Amplifiers offer a well-balanced combination of high gain, wide bandwidth up to 2 GHz and low noise making them ideal for time-resolved measurements with ultra-fast photodetectors. The compact housing design with threaded M4 and 8-32 holes allows easy integration in all optical bench systems.

Integrated Bias-T

In many applications – e.g. shot-noise-limited spectroscopy, heterodyne measurements etc. – the detector is subject to relatively high cw-power. As a result of this, a high level DC current is generated in the detector. This DC-current must have an electrical path to flow off to ground. The optimum solution in this case is a so-called Bias-T which allows high cw-power and guarantees an optimum signal-to-noise-ratio with very good 50 Ω matching. We have already integrated the Bias-T in our HSA High-Speed Amplifier Series. For detailed information please see our application note: DC-Path (Bias-T) for fast Photodetectors (ANE03.pdf).


The HSA-X comes in a very compact package with integrated Bias-T, SMA signal input and output connectors and a selection of fixed gain from 20 to 40 dB.


In addition to the features of the HSA-X the HSA-Y is equipped with a DC-monitor for alignment and detector control or the measurement of low frequency background signal. Furthermore, the HSA-Y features two identical signal outputs enable triggering or signal control without the need for an external signal splitter. The gain of the HSA-Y can be selected as 20, 40 or 60 dB.

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