Germanium HPGe
HPGe Germanium detectors are semiconductor diodes having a p-i-n structure in which the intrinsic (I) region is sensitive to ionizing radiation, particularly x rays and gamma rays. Under reverse bias, an electric field extends across the intrinsic or depleted region. When photons interact with the material within the depleted volume of a detector, charge carriers (holes and electrons) are produced and are swept by the electric field to the P and N electrodes. This charge, which is in proportion to the energy deposited in the detector by the incoming photon, is converted into a voltage pulse by an integral charge sensitive preamplifier.
Intelligent Cryo-Cycle Hybrid Cooling

FEATURES• Low-vibration/low electrical noise even at low energies (no spectral resolution degradation)• Low audible noise (<50 dB(A) at 1...
Cryo-Pulse 5 Plus - Electrically Refrigerated Cryostat

The Cryo-Pulse 5 also called CP5, is an electric cryostat for cooling HPGe detectors. It uses a pulse tube cooler, which has proven to be a very...
Broad Energy Germanium Detectors (BEGe)

A Broad Energy Germanium detector (BEGe), combines the properties of a low energy detector (LEGe) and a standard coaxial detector (SEGe). The energy...
Standard Electrode Coaxial Ge Detectors (SEGe)

A Standard Coaxial Germanium detector (SEGe), stands out for its high sensitivity, good energy resolution and the ability to detect a wide spectrum...
Low Energy Germanium Detectors (LEGe)

The Low Energy Germanium (LEGe) detector is a high-resolution germanium (HPGe) detector design optimized for detecting gamma rays at low energies,...
Extended Range Coaxial Germanium detector (XtRa)

Extended Range Coaxial Germanium detectors (XtRa) are a specialized variant of coaxial germanium detectors designed to offer a wide energy range....
Small Anode Germanium Well Detectors (SAGe Well)

The Mirion SAGe Well Detector combines excellent energy resolution at low and high energies with maximum efficiency for small samples. Like...
Ultra-LEGe Detectors (GUL)

Features & Benefits Spectroscopy from 300 eV to 300 keV High efficiency compared to Si(Li) and SDD Excellent resolution up to very high count...
ACT-LC - HPGe Detector for Actinide Lung and Whole Body Counters

Features Specialized detector system for difficult-to-detect internally deposited actinides Closely-spaced detectors with low background Excellent...
Traditional Germanium Well Detectors

The Mirion High-Purity Germanium (HPGe) Well Detector provides maximum efficiency for small samples because the sample is virtually surrounded by...