Exposed and unsealed radiation sources has a risk of contaminating areas outside the controlled area. A scenario with widespread contamination means both a radiation protection risk as well as a major financial impact. Sensitive instruments providing early warnings of the presence of surface contamination help to prevent inadvertent transfer of radioactivity. The surface contamination is measured or as ’counts per second’ or as activity per unit area [Bq/cm²] for specified radio nuclide. These values could be subject to regulatory limits.
NORM monitor-IS - EX-proof
The NORM Monitor-IS is a ATEX approved instrument with two probe options, Geiger Müller (GM) and scintillator. This enables users to monitor NORM in...
LB 124 Scint
LB 124 Scint is a handheld alpha-beta contamination monitor based on a 170 cm² ZnS(Ag) scintillation detector. The sophisticated reflector geometry...
LB 124 Scint-300
The contamination monitor LB 124 Scint-300 is a flexible instrument for practical radiation protection of alpha, beta and gamma. The detector is...
RDS-80 Contamination Monitor is an easy to use contamination instrument based on pancake GM-tube. Measure alpha, beta and gamma as cps.
T401 is a rugged contamination monitor. It measures alfa, beta and gamma with a Geiger-müller detector. Protection class of main case is IP65 and...