Nestemäiset säteilylähteet
Liquid standards are available in a wide range of activities and volumes as single radionuclide standards, or as custom mixtures. Custom liquid standards are available in 5-, 10-, 20- or 50-ml flame-sealed glass vials.
Liquid standards are also available in larger volume flame-sealed reagent bottles of 100-, 250-, 500- and 1000-mL volumes. The storage bottles have a ground glass cap to prevent evaporation and to reseal the standard for storage between calibrations.
Certain longer-lived liquid radionuclide standards are available from stock providing rapid delivery. Stock liquids are available in 5-mL flame-sealed glass vials at activities.
Single Nuclide Liquid Standard

Traceable low activity solutions for calibration. Calibrated traceable solutions – 7000-series or Isotrak Non-calibrated solutions –...