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Service & reparasjon Få et tilbud- The compact size and remote operation capability of the CSM-GR1 monitor allows it to fit into small spaces while the operator is at a safe distance away
- Results available immediately – no waiting for sample collection, processing and analysis in the count room
- Data shows short term variations in nuclide concentrations that are not discernible with typical 4 or 8 hour grab samples
- No cooling fans in the electronics eliminates risk of internal contamination
- Quick installation for minimal dose, with no additional dose incurred during operation
- User can easily create new efficiency calibrations (pipes, tanks, stacks, etc.) on the PC and upload them to the Data Analyst™ module for immediate use
- Compatible Mirion WRM2™ Wireless modules and Horizon® Supervisory System software
- GR1+ unit, shield and PC can be used without the DA module for conventional in-situ spectroscopic analysis of plant components:
- Waste assay – containers and objects
- Evaluation of spills or leaks
- Assay of filters
- As part of an Emergency Response Kit
The CSM-GR1 Continuous Spectroscopic Monitor is a very small, yet powerful, in situ measurement system based on standard and well-established Canberra gamma spectroscopy components.
Stefan Isaksson
- Forretningsenhetsleder
- Telefon: +46 (0)18-56 68 07
- Mobil: +46 (0)70-592 63 56
- stefan.isaksson@gammadata.se