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DSC PT1600 – Differential scanning calorimeter

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Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) is the most common thermal analysis method due to its wide range of information provided. The LINSEIS high temperature DSC PT1600 (HDSC/DTA) is designed to deliver highest calorimetric sensitivity, short time constants and a condensation free sample chamber. These features guarantee superior resolution and baseline stability over the entire instrument lifetime. This provides an indispensable tool for material development, R&D and quality control. 

The modular concept of the HDSC and DTA systems allows the use of different furnaces with a temperature range from -150°C up to 1750°C. The vacuum tight design enables quantitative enthalpy and Cp (Specific Heat) determination under the cleanest atmospheres and under vacuum of 10E-5mbar. The systems can be upgraded with anoptional sample robot and coupled to a MS or FTIR.


Chris Bradburn


Technical specification

Temperature range: -180°C up to 500°C
  RT – 1400/1500/1600/1650/1750°C
Sensors: E/K/S/B
Sensor Types: DTA / DSC / DSC – Cp
Heating rates: 0.001 K/min … 50 K/min
Cooling rates*: 0.001 K/min … 50 K/min
Sensor: heat flux
Temperature modulation: Yes
Atmospheres: reducing, oxid., inert (static, dynamic)
Vacuum: 10-5mbar
PC Interface: USB

* temperature dependent 

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