Phenom ParticleX TC
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Service & reparation Request a quoteWith the growing demand for analysis of smaller particles beyond the scope of light microscopy within (automotive) industries, the Thermo Scientific™ Phenom™ ParticleX – Technical Cleanliness enables automated Scanning Electron Microscopy with EDX Spectrometry.
This is a major advantage over light microscopy as it enables chemical classification of the particles, providing great insights in your production processes and/or environments.
Download the ParticleX TC specification sheet and learn more about:
- Automatically analyzing industry standard 47 mm filters
- Setting specific parameters like particle size range, chemical classification rules, area of interest and stop criteria for your application
- Creating reports according to automotive industry standards
Phenom Particle X not only provides high quality SEM analysis, it is also designed to perform a number of specific functions. These include:
- Particle analysis of metal powders at the microscale for the additive industry
- Confirming that components fulfill technical cleanliness specifications according to VDA19 or ISO16232 standards.
All now made possible in-house and on your desktop.
Chris Bradburn
- Sales - Materials Analysis
- Phone: +46 (0)18-56 68 09
- Mobile: +46 (0)70-396 18 88
Technical specification
Phenom ParticleX |
Light optical magnification | 3 – 16x |
Electron optical magnification range | 160 – 200,000x |
Resolution | < 10 nm |
Digital zoom | Max. 12x |
Light optical navigation camera | Color |
Acceleration voltages | Default: 5 kV, 10 kV and 15 kV Advanced mode: adjustable range between 4,8 kV and 20,5 kV imaging and analysis mode Secondary Electron Detector |
Vacuum modes | Standard mode Charge reduction mode High vacuum mode |
Detector | BSD EDS (optional) SED (optional) |
Sample size | Max. 100 mm x 100 mm Up to 36x 12mm pin stubs |
Sample height | Max. 65 mm