NGM 209M Mobile noble gas monitor
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Service & reparation Request a quote- Monitoring air in working areas, discharge stacks or ventilation ducts
- Dynamic gamma radiation compensation with shielded gas detection sensor
The NGM 209M monitor from the RAMSYS product line has been developed to monitor air in working areas, discharge stacks or ventilation ducts.
The dual silicon diode detector integrated in a 4 pi/3 cm lead shielded sample volume guarantees high reliability of the measurements.
Data sheet
Göran Jonsson
- Sales - Radiation Detection
- Phone: +46 (0)18-566820
- Mobile: +46 (0)70-6220407
Technical specification
- Radiation detected: beta and gamma
- Energy windows: 80 keV to 420 keV
- Detector: dual large area silicon
- Sampling chamber: 76 ml (76 cc)
- Energy range: 80 keV to 2.5 MeV
- Typical measurement range:
– 85Kr: 10+3 to 3.7 10+9 Bq/m3
– 133Xe: 10+3 to 10+10 Bq/m3