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Service & reparation Request a quote- Detection algorithms for indoor and outdoor use
- Alarm automatically triggers sample collection
- Sensitivity below 100 ACPLA with high confidence and low false alarm rates
- Easy integration into HVAC, robotic, and stealth applications
- More than 1,000 units deployed worldwide
- Integrated CBRNE systems and Force protection
- Mission-ready for mass transit security, building protection, and mobile labs
The FLIR IBAC 1 is a fully automated biological agent detector that alarms in less than 60 seconds when an airborne bio-threat is present. It uses UV-Laser induced fluorescence to discriminate biological organisms from background particles, reliably detecting all four classes of bio-agents at concentrations below 100 ACPLA with low false alarm rates. The IBAC 1 can operate integrated into a UAV or robotic system, or as part of a network configuration to form the “first tier” of a building/critical infrastructure protection system. Its four stages work together continually to monitor the environment for the presence of bio-threats, alarm upon detection, collect and preserve samples for confirmatory analysis, and transmit data to command and control centers. The IBAC 1 offers a flexible, field-ready solution for bio-aerosol monitoring.
Data sheet
Stefan Mårtensson
- Sales - Radiation Detection
- Phone: +46 (0)18-566803
- Mobile: +46 (0)76-8265837
- stefan.martensson@gammadata.se
Technical specification
Preformance and technical specification – see datasheet