Avior-2 H/F
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Service & reparation Request a quoteSmall footprint solution for Hand/Foot monitoring. It’s based on a Avior-2 with specific Hand/Foot measurement mode offers the ability to control the alpha and beta contamination on one hand and one foot at the same time. It is an ergonomic and affordable solution when available footprint does not provide sufficient space for traditional Hand/Foot bigger monitors.
- Smallest footprint Hand/foot monitor
- Based on Avior-2 desktop monitor
- Two CPS detector inputs
- Programmable alarm levels
Göran Jonsson
- Sales - Radiation Detection
- Phone: +46 (0)18-566820
- Mobile: +46 (0)70-6220407
- goran.jonsson@gammadata.se
Technical specification
Preset versions of Avior for hand/foot;
Avior-2HF/F-W -Hand and foot, wall mounted
Aviot-2H – Hand, wall mounted
Avior-2H/F-S – Hand and foot, self standing
Avior-2H/H-S – 2 hand detectors, self standing
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