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Service & reparation Request a quoteThe HandFoot-Fibre monitors are used for contamination screening of hands, feet and clothes for alpha, beta and gamma radiation in circumstances which do not require a full body monitor. The monitors are also well-suited for mobile contamination screening.
Available in three versions,
HandFoot-Fibre XL with alpha and beta sensitive RFD485 fibre detectors
HandFoot-Fibre A+ with RFD485 A+ detectors, featuring a discrimination of alpha and beta radiation.
HandFoot-Fibre MED featuring HybridFibre detectors, which are sensitive to alpha, beta and gamma radiation
Data sheet
Göran Jonsson
- Sales - Radiation Detection
- Phone: +46 (0)18-566820
- Mobile: +46 (0)70-6220407
- goran.jonsson@gammadata.se

Technical specification
Detectors: 8 scintillating BetaFibre or HybridFibre detectors
Detection limit: 30 Bq/hand, 45 Bq/foot (Co-60)
Dimensions: 75 x 48 x 166 cm (D x W x H)
Weight: 57 kg, depending on version
– Large wheels
– 2nd light barrier in foot area