LB 147 / LB 147 Slim, Alpha Sense
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- Hand probe (clothing probe) with ZnS(Ag) scintillator
- Foot probe with ZnS(Ag) scintillator
- Low dose rate probe LB1236 with proportional counter tube as stomach probe
- 2″ x 2″ NaI detector as thyroid probe
The LB 147 can communicate via the RS232 or RS485/USB port. The software offers useful modes of operation, utilities, and access to the parameters.
Additional available versions of LB 147
– SLIM with less footprint in areas with lack of space.
– ALPHA SENSE version with enhanced efficiency
Data sheet
Göran Jonsson
- Sales - Radiation Detection
- Phone: +46 (0)18-566820
- Mobile: +46 (0)70-6220407
Technical specification
Measure: Alpha and Beta/Gamma
Detectors: ZnS(Ag)
Power supply: 1~230V, consumption 14W
Footprint LB 147: 65 x 125 x 80 cm (W x H x D)
Footprint LB 147 Slim: 45 x 125 x 90 cm (W x H x D)
Weight: Steel construction, weight: approx. 35 kg.
Protection Class: IP54
Ports: 5 USB (Host), 1 USB (Device), 1 Ethernet 10/100/1000Mb, 1 RS232, 1 RS485
Relays: 3. Max 50V, 5A
Operating Temperature: -5 to + 50 °C
Relative Humidity: 0 – 90 %, no condensation
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