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Service & reparation Request a quotebAxil is a complete, full-featured and comprehensive spectrum analysis software for X-ray spectrometry. bAxil also includes elemental quantitative analysis. Using bAxil software, any energy-dispersive X-ray spectrum can be analyzed independently of its excitation and detection technology.
bAxil development incorporates many years of experience in the X-ray spectrometry, in addition to the most recent advances in this field. bAxil features are, among others:
- Two types of peak shapes: Gaussian and Voight-profile.
- Additional “Tail” and “Step” components to the standard selected peak function.
- Fitting of Coherent and Incoherent excitation peaks.
- Ability to fit non-fluorescence peaks (e.g. Gamma-rays, diffraction peaks, etc.)
- Advanced graphical user interface with residuals plots, individual marking of escape and sum peaks, etc.
- Quantitative analysis by calibrations derived from Liner Regression fit to standards or using Fundamental Parameter method (standard-based or standard-less).
Stefan Isaksson
- Sales - Radiation Detection
- Phone: +46 (0)18-566807
- Mobile: +46 (0)70-5926356