SN-D-2 neutron probe
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Service & reparation Request a quoteSN-D-2 is a neutron ambient dose-rate H*(10) probe that connects to CSP compatible meters/systems and CSP meters. It leverages all CSP benefits and uses most CSP accessories. SN-D-2 is compliant with most recent IEC 61005, ANSI 42.17A and ICRP-74 standards with a very good energy response starting from thermal neutrons up to 15 MeV. More specifically, SN-D-2 has a median response in the energy range of interest (50-150 keV) that contributes the most to NPP dose. The SN-D-2 is based on the He-3 proportional counter which is the best gamma rejection detector principle on the market.
NOM007740 – SN-D-2/C till Colibri
NOM007741 – SN-D-2/R2000 till Radiagem
NOM007742 – SN-D-2 /RDS till RDS-32
NOM006504 – Tripod
ANT007378 – Case for SN-D-2 och one survey meter
Data sheet
Stefan Mårtensson
- Sales - Radiation Detection
- Phone: +46 (0)18-566803
- Mobile: +46 (0)76-8265837
Technical specification
Measured unit: H*(10)
Calibration: Cf-252
Detector: He-3 (8 atm) moderated
Sensitivity: 0,3 cps per µSv/h (Cf-252)
Measurement range: 0,3 µSv/h – 100 mSv/h
Energy range: thermal to 15 MeV
Accuracy: -17% to +25% acc to IEC 61005
Gamma reject: 10^3
Weight: less than 5,7 kg
Operation temperature: -10 to +60 deg C
Protection class: IP64
Use with loggers: Colibri, Radigem, RDS-32, Avior
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