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Service & reparation Request a quoteHigh end hand held instrument with some really neat features and several probes. Available in two versions
Colibri VLD – Very Low Doserat, Starting from only 0,01 µSv/h to 1 mSv/h. Based on CsI. Available with and without GPS/WiFi.
Colibri TTC – Time To Count, Higher measurement range, will not saturate in higher dose rates from 0,05 µSv/h to 10 Sv/h. Based on GM-tube. Available with and without GPS/WiFi.
It is compatible with all CANBERRA Smart Probes (CSP). The probes extend the capabilities of the instrument to a range of general surveying applications.
Data sheet
Stefan Mårtensson
- Sales - Radiation Detection
- Phone: +46 (0)18-566803
- Mobile: +46 (0)76-8265837
Technical specification
Displayed unit: H*(10)
Detectors: TTC = GM tube, VLD = CsI
Energy range: 48 keV – 1,5 MeV for TTC, 59keV – 1,5MeV for VLD
Dose rate range: 0,05 μSv/h – 10 Sv/h for TTC, 0,01 – 1mSv/h for VLD
Sensitivity: 0,73 cps for TTC, 70 cps for VLD
Ingress Protection: IP67
Temperatures: TTC = -20°C to 50°C, VLD = -10°C to 40°C
Weight and dimension: 195 x 100 x 69 mm. 630 g
Battery: Li-cell up to 25h operation
Accessories – see datasheet
NOM006494 – Colibri TTC
NOM006386 – Colibri TTC/GPS
NOM006474 – Colibri VLD
NOM006370 – Colibri VLD/GPS
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