QC L-Block Station
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Service & reparation Request a quote- Ideal for PET quality control
- Integrated dose calibrator shielding
- Extra shielding cave available
The QC L-Block is used to protect personnel from unwanted radiation exposure when working with the dose calibrator. The Quality Control L-block has 50mm lead shielding and is finished with stainless steel. Next to this, the QC L-Block has a integrated leadcastle (50mm) to shield the dose calibrator and the QC L-Block Station has 120mm leadglass shielding.
Data sheet
Stefan Mårtensson
- Sales - Radiation Detection
- Phone: +46 (0)18-566803
- Mobile: +46 (0)76-8265837
- stefan.martensson@gammadata.se
Technical specification
Finishing material: Stainless steel
Shielding material: Lead
Shielding thickness: 50 mm (2″)
Outside dimensions: 1350 x 650 x 1420 mm (w x d x h)
Inside dimensions: Stainless steel workspace: 890 x 540 x 250 mm (w x d x h)
Weight: 1150kg