Vial Shield PIG
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Service & reparation Request a quoteVial PIG, shielding to transported 30, 20 or 10 ml vials. 25 mm of lead shielding suitable for PET. The Vial Pig can be used independently or with the PET Shipping System, which meets DOT II Type A packaging requirements.
Parts available:
001-706 Vial shielding 30 ml, 25 mm lead. Designed for 10, 20 and 30 ml vials
001-771 Sheets, Absorbent, 100/pkg
001-707 Adapter 10 ml, Allows 001-706 to accommodate 10 ml vials
001-711 Adapter 20 ml, Allows 001-706 to accommodate 20 ml vials
Stefan Mårtensson
- Sales - Radiation Detection
- Phone: +46 (0)18-566803
- Mobile: +46 (0)76-8265837
Technical specification
Fits Type A-kolli 001-724
Lead shield: 25 mm lead
Outer dimension: 168 x 105 mm
Inner dimension: 70 x 38 mm
Weight: 9.7 kg
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